
Please could you take a few moments in helping the ERCOFTAC Knowledge Base Editorial Board develop and improve the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki through answering our questionnaire. In order to make the most out of your invaluable feedback, this information will be shared only with the ERCOFTAC Knowledge Base Editorial Board.


In your opinion does the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki provide sufficient and clear instructions and information on its structure, content and operations?
Yes No Unsure

If you answered "Unsure" or "No" please state what could be improved.
How would you rate each of the Application Areas specialising in your field from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest) on Value, Quality and Range of Test Cases?

Application Area Value Quality Range
External Aerodynamics
Chemical, Process, Thermal and Nuclear Safety
Civil Construction and HVAC
Environmental Flow
Turbomachinery Internal Flow
How would you rate each of the Underlying Flow Regimes specialising in your field from 1 to 5 (5 being the highest) on Value, Quality and Range of Test Cases?

Underlying Flow Regime Value Quality Range
Free Flows
Flow Around Bodies
Semi-Confined Flows
Confined Flows
Do you agree with the following statement?
“All documents within the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki are clearly written, concise and comprehensible”
Strongly agree Agree No opinion Disagree Strongly disagree
Are all equations, pictures and diagrams easily readable?
Yes No

If you answered "No" please can you provide examples?
Have you come across any errors/mistakes/false information with any of the content within the Qnet-CFD KB WIki? For example: are there any equations that are wrong, incomplete or outdated? Are there any diagrams or statements that are ambiguous?
Yes No

If you answered "Yes", please can you provide examples?
Can you provide any further comments/suggestions or improvements to do with the content of the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki? For example: room for brand new application areas to be explored and encouraged.


How easy is it to manoeuvre and access documents within the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki?
Very easy Easy Fairly easy Difficult Hard
Are you satisfied with the navigational links within the wiki, or do you feel they could be improved upon?
Yes No No opinion

If you answered "No", what would you advise?
How would you score the overall usability of the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki from 1-5, with 5 being the highest?
1 2 3 4 5
How easy are the procedures to make a new contribution to the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki within the library area?
Very easy Easy Moderate Complicated Hard N/A

How could these procedures be improved?
In your opinion would it be beneficial to have a new area within the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki for Advice and Help on how to use and operate the wiki?
Yes No
How could the structure of the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki be improved for the benefit of all users?


How would you rate the overall performance from 1-5, with 5 being the highest, of the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki on:

1 2 3 4 5

1 2 3 4 5

Links (external and internal) and data downloads
1 2 3 4 5

Access to domains (eg: Library Area, Feedback pages, Gold and Silver documents)
1 2 3 4 5
Are you satisfied with the performance of the ERCOFTAC Knowledge Base Editorial Board when making a request for new contributions to the wiki and their response to any comments or queries posted in the “Feedback” pages?
Yes No N/A
How satisfied are you with the overall performance of the Library Area for making new contributions to the wiki?
Very satisfied Satisfied Fairly satisfied Not satisfied N/A
How would you rate the overall performance of the wiki as being a “repository of structured knowledge and advice designed to underpin quality and trust in the industrial application of CFD”, from 1-5 with 5 being the highest?
1 2 3 4 5
Please state any problems with either external or internal links or difficulties in accessing areas within the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki below


Would you agree with the following statement?
“The Qnet-CFD KB Wiki is well-presented, easy to read and clear”
Yes No
Do you have any difficulties in reading any of the text in the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki?
Yes No

If you answered "Yes" above, please provide examples below
Do you find the colour coding of the Gold and Silver documents useful or distracting?
Useful Distracting Unsure
How else could the overall presentation of the wiki be improved?


Overall, how would you rate the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki from 1-5, with 5 being the highest, on its:

1 2 3 4 5

Structure and Operations
1 2 3 4 5

Performance and Speed
1 2 3 4 5

Presentation and Layout
1 2 3 4 5
How does the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki compare with any other wiki you may have used or contributed to?
Do you find the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki too restrictive in comparison to any other wiki you may have used or contributed to?
Yes No
If you could add, change or remove anything from the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki to make it easier for all users what would you do?
Please state any final thoughts, comments or suggestions, highlighting any problems encountered when operating the Qnet-CFD KB Wiki below.

Personal Information (Optional)


Gender: Male Female

Specialist in:

Size of group or department:

Do you regularly use social networking sites? Please click on all boxes all that apply.
Blogs Twitter Social networking Static HTML websites

Do you contribute to any other wikis? Yes No

Thank you for your time and participation. All answers and comments will be held in confidence by the ERCOFTAC Knowledge Base Editorial Board.